“Karen assisted me with a travel wardrobe for my European summer holiday this year. After three children, subsequent weight gain (and loss), I had no idea where to start post kids and was quite nervous to begin the process of regaining my fashion confidence.  Karen ensured the whole experience was comfortable and very enjoyable. She has shown me a more mature, refined look whilst keeping to my own style. I enjoyed the whole experience so much I am now using Karen on a regular basis”. – Eleecia, South Melbourne

“Karen can’t thank you enough for your expertise during our shopping experience… I have always explained to people when talking about you… “you know the one that looks like she just walked out of a magazine” now I do too! Wearing pieces that I would not have normally gravitated towards and receiving so many compliments. Can’t wait to let you loose on my entire wardrobe!!” – Carolyn, Santa Monica USA

“Karen, thanks for the shopping experience. It was great to get the outfit I was looking for all in the one night. Your pre-shop and putting things on hold prior to us shopping was a great time saver! Thanks again”. – Brian, Melbourne